من سلسة بطل من بلادي \ A hero from my country
تعجز الكلمات عن وصف بطولات الجيش العراق على مر التاريخ وفي الحقيقة لا حاجة لنا لنقلب اوراق كتب التاريخ ففي كل يوم هناك العشرات من البطولات والجنود المجهولين الذي يستشهدون لكي نعيش نحن ولكي يعيش العراق ومن هؤلاء الجنود المجهولين الشهداء كان الملازم البطل وسام محمد خالد التكريتي ... وسام تخرج من الكلية العسكرية الاولى ضمن الدورة 102 وكان احد الاوائل على زملائه ولشجاعته استقدم الى القوات العراقية الخاصة .. لم يكن هم وسام سوى محاربة الاقوام البربرية التي غزت العراق وتحريره منها فلم يذهب في اجازة الى عائلته طوال 120 يوما وقطع وعدا على نفسه بأن لا يعود حتى يتحرر العراق من دنس هؤلاء الاقوام الهمجية المتخلفة.. في احدى العمليات البطولية التي قام بها تنكر بالزي الداعشي وارسل 17 شخص منهم الى الجحيم .. ونظرا لبطولته وشجاعته ارسل الملازم وسام الى مصفى بيجي للدفاع عنه وفي احد الايام قامت مجموعة من البربر المتوحشين (داعش) بالهجوم على مصفى بيجي فتصدت القوة البطلة الموجودة داخله لهم فقاتل وسام قتال الابطال الى ان بقيت مدرعة داعشية واحدة فاطلق النار عليها ثم قام بصعود عليها ليمتطي صهوة الخلد فقتل كل من فيها الا ان احد هؤلاء البرابرة ضغط زر تفجير المدرعة فأستشهد الملازم البطل وسام ليكتب اسمه بأحرف من نور في تأريخ الشعب والجيش العراقي ....
البارحة استشهد اللواء الطيار ماجد من البصرة (ابن سومر) واليوم استشهد الملازم وسام من تكريت (ابن اشور) ليضربوا اروع الامثلة في التضامن والعيش المشترك بين مكونات بلاد مابين النهرين العظيمة...
.....المجد والخلود لشهداء جيشنا العراقي الباسل منذ تأسيسه الى الان ...
ملاحظة: مع الشكر لستيفن نبيل لتزويدنا بمعلومات اكثر عن الشهيد.
Words can not explain the championships of the Iraqi army throughout history .... Well we don't need to turn the pages of history because everyday there are dozens of legendary stories written by Iraqi soldiers and officers who died in order to make the flag of their country high and high ... one of those unknown officers was lieutenant Wisam Al Tikriti .. Wisam was graduated from the Iraqi military college (Session 102) and was one of the outstanding students so he was summoned to join the Iraqi special forces.... Wisam didn't care for anything only to fight against the Berber tribes (ISIS) who occupied parts in north of Iraq so lieutenant Wisam didn't go to visit his family since 120 days and he promised himself to not return to his house even liberated homeland.... one of the operation he did that he wore the clothes of ISIS and he attacked them and killed 17 of them....
Then lieutenant Wisam moved to protect the Baiji refinery against the attacks of terrorism (ISIS) .... one of these attacks was the final battle Wisam participates.. lieutenant Wisam fought like the heroes knights after a long battle the Iraqi heroes soldiers destroyed all the cars of terrorists but there was another tank of terrorists Wisam attacked it to horseback the immortality and he killed the majority of terrorists who were in the tank but one of the evil terrorists pressured in the button and lieutenant Wisam Al Tikriti's body volatilized like a peace dove and he wrote his name in letters of light in our history log ..... Yesterday major general Majid from Basra was killed (the grandson of Sumer) and today lieutenant Wisam from Tikrit killed (the grandson of Assyria) they beat the finest examples that Iraq is one country and no one can divide us .....Glory and eternity for each Martyrs of the Iraqi army since its inception in 1921...
.....المجد والخلود لشهداء جيشنا العراقي الباسل منذ تأسيسه الى الان ...
ملاحظة: مع الشكر لستيفن نبيل لتزويدنا بمعلومات اكثر عن الشهيد.
Words can not explain the championships of the Iraqi army throughout history .... Well we don't need to turn the pages of history because everyday there are dozens of legendary stories written by Iraqi soldiers and officers who died in order to make the flag of their country high and high ... one of those unknown officers was lieutenant Wisam Al Tikriti .. Wisam was graduated from the Iraqi military college (Session 102) and was one of the outstanding students so he was summoned to join the Iraqi special forces.... Wisam didn't care for anything only to fight against the Berber tribes (ISIS) who occupied parts in north of Iraq so lieutenant Wisam didn't go to visit his family since 120 days and he promised himself to not return to his house even liberated homeland.... one of the operation he did that he wore the clothes of ISIS and he attacked them and killed 17 of them....
Then lieutenant Wisam moved to protect the Baiji refinery against the attacks of terrorism (ISIS) .... one of these attacks was the final battle Wisam participates.. lieutenant Wisam fought like the heroes knights after a long battle the Iraqi heroes soldiers destroyed all the cars of terrorists but there was another tank of terrorists Wisam attacked it to horseback the immortality and he killed the majority of terrorists who were in the tank but one of the evil terrorists pressured in the button and lieutenant Wisam Al Tikriti's body volatilized like a peace dove and he wrote his name in letters of light in our history log ..... Yesterday major general Majid from Basra was killed (the grandson of Sumer) and today lieutenant Wisam from Tikrit killed (the grandson of Assyria) they beat the finest examples that Iraq is one country and no one can divide us .....Glory and eternity for each Martyrs of the Iraqi army since its inception in 1921...