Thursday, July 31, 2014

ِAugust 2014 Plan

Dear all,

Here we are, meeting again, after Al-Eid and Ramadan simply because, it is our fate to meet yet again. This is a sign that our paths meet together, we share the same vision and think the same way. It is also a sign that we are meant to carry on together and refuse to surrender, disagree to give up and dislike to sit and watch. We the Iraqi people will - insha'allah - spread Hope, Love and Peace whenever possible wherever we are. 

With the remarkable success we have achieved on our very first month of Think Loud Think Differently Project, there we go for another month to achieve even more by going the extra miles and exceed everyone's expectations.

Think Loud Think Differently decided to set a plan for each month in advance. Our plan for August 2014 will be as follows:

  1. First Week of August = our main topic will be 'Love'.
  2. Second Week of August = our main topic will be 'Hope'.
  3. Third Week of August = our main topic will be 'Peace'.
  4. Forth Week of August = our main topic will be 'Positive Thinking'.

It means we shall focus on one main topic for a week. Why?
  • Because the more we focus on a positive attitude and spread that, the better results we shall get in return.
  • The toughest battles that a human may get into is the battle between your inner self or mind and yourself - between your unconscious mind and conscious mind (consciousness). The more positive thoughts you deal with, the stronger you become to defeat your unconscious mind.
  • While any positive energy is great and beautiful, negative energy has the ability to pull your leg into a deep hole and the stronger it gets, the deeper the hole becomes so in order to defeat that gravity, you need to keep getting positive energy. This is how you can stay positive longer.

This is what we believe in and this is what we would like to spread and we are sure that we shall find many people share the same vision and thoughts :)

We are just in the beginning and we do have a lot to do ahead of us so we promise you, yet again, that we shall carry on and never ever give up nor surrender, insha'alalh :)

Hope you will enjoy our topics for August :)

Remember, stay positive, think loudly and above all, think differently :)

Thank you! 

Sunday, July 27, 2014

What have we done in our first month?

Hello everyone,

Think Loud Think Differently Project has been started in 26-June-2014.

Today, we celebrate our first month (30 days).

So, what have we done in our first month?

  1. TLTD Facebook Page has 766 followers
  2. Shared more than 900 pictures
  3. Posted and Tweeted more than 1000 posts
  4. We have shared a huge positive energy and never let any negative energy came out neither from the page nor from anyone on the page.
  5. We shared Love, Hope and Peace with everyone. Above all, we shared one and only vision: Iraq comes first.
  6. We have managed to clean many hearts and change my minds.
  7. We have managed to give the HOPE back to some of those who have lost it. Not only that, but we managed to have them on board with the team.
  8. We have found 13 Iraqi Persons who share the exact same thoughts and vision.
  9. We have managed to receive ZERO negative feedback. Everyone was so happy with our page and what we share. Not one single complaint.
  10. We have managed to keep our Facebook Page as active as possible. We have started with a post every 15 mins and now, the rage is a post every 30-60 mins. Our page is the most active page.
  11. We have managed to interact with each and every one who comment on our posts.
  12. And, we have managed to think differently in the process before we ask people to do that.

It was a great month indeed. However, this is just the beginning. We do wish and hope to do more and give more.

Thank you so much for everything and we promise you that we shall carry on and never give up nor surrender :)

and Iraq comes first.

If you do share the same vision and thoughts, join us :)

Thank you!